Provision an ArcGIS site with Portal for ArcGIS, ArcGIS Server, ArcGIS Data Store, and ArcGIS Web Adaptor on one AWS instance. This instance is on Windows 2012 R2. 1. Create a S3 bucket in your account to store Esri authorization files and SSL certificate file. a. Create a S3 bucket in your AWS account. This bucket is called "DeploymentBucket" in the Parameters. b. Upload your Portal for ArcGIS License file and ArcGIS Server license file to the DeploymentBucket. c. Obtain the domain for your WebGIS site and a SSL certificate file issued to your domain name. d. Upload the SSL certificate file to the DeploymentBucket. e. Allocate an ElasticIP in the Classic VPC (not EC2) in the AWS region where you want to create your site. f. Map the domain name to the Elastic IP you created, for example, through CNAME mapping. 2. Run the template. Click on "Launch the Stack". There are a number of properties in the Parameters object that you can set when launching the stack using the template, such as the following: * DeploymentBucket: The S3 bucket you created. It has Esri authorization files and SSL certificate file uploaded to it. * InstanceType * KeyName * PortalLicenseFile: Must be in the S3 bucket. * ServerLicenseFile: Must be in the S3 bucket. * SiteAdmin: Portal for ArcGIS IAA and ArcGIS for Server PSA. * SiteAdminEmail: Email address for Portal for ArcGIS IAA. * SiteAdminPassword * SiteDomain * SiteEIP: The Allocation ID of the Elastic IP you created. It looks like: eipalloc-xxxxxxxxx. Your SiteDomain needs to map to this EIP. * SSLCertificateFile: SSL Certificate issued to your SiteDomain, e.g. webgis_esri_com.pfx * SSLCertPassword: Password to your SSL certificate. Other resources, such as the VPC and subnet settings, are burned into the template and can only be changed by the template author. 3. Trouble Shooting Check the Trouble Shooting guide session under the templates table if you run into problems.